Post Doctoral Research Fellow

CREST, ENSAI, France · 

About me

I am Dr. Touqeer Ahmad, and I am working as a post-doctoral research fellow at ENSAI, France. I obtained a Ph.D. in Statistical Sciences with the additional title of “Doctor of Europaeus” in June 2023 from the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova, Italy. My academic journey is characterized by notable achievements, including a fully-funded scholarship awarded to me from the (CARIPARO  Foundation Italy) for my Ph.D. studies, showcasing my exceptional potential and academic excellence. During my Master’s in statistics, I received a Gold Medal, underscoring my outstanding academic performance and commitment to excellence in the field. My research interests focus on space-time modeling of discrete and continuous extremes using distributional regression and modeling of conditional extremes and dimension reduction in extremes through machine learning.


Current Project

 Dimension reduction for extreme value analysis
Collaborators: Francois Portier [webpage] & Gilles Stupfler [webpage]

Research interests

• Extreme events modeling, Regression modeling of extreme events, Bayesian modeling of extreme events.
• Extreme value risk modeling in financial data.
• Distributional regression modeling of heavy floods and droughts.
• Spatio-temporal modeling of environmental and agricultural data.
• Dimension reduction via machine learning